Classical Realism - chud as “human nature” replacement
Camus the Rebel - Nazis as “provincial”
Demiurge - as chud
Provincial Synonyms
Local minimum - crab is, humans can kill
Feasible region - show called Solution Space
Uneven and combined development
Buddhadasa - No Religion
History of philosophy without any gaps - Plotinus
Weaponized Concept, article on woke
Preface to Symbolic Exchange and Death, logical types
ChatGPT only for chuds confirmed”
Baudrillard - taking side of object
Underdevelopment - enchudification is underdevelopment of people in a way AKA not their fault
WW2 propaganda - designed to enchudify even as dechudifying (isolationism retarded)
Enchudification = way down, dechudification = way up
Embodied Cognition - idea that some things require incarnation
Theodicy - why are people assholes?
Felix Culpa - fortunate fall, lila etc